JÍLOVÁ: BIP Exchange Ostrava
JÍLOVÁ: Addressing Socio-Spatial Exclusion with a Focus on the Use of Perticipatory Approaches, 8–13 October 2023: Ostrava, Czech Republic.
The Erasmus+ BIP is an international and interdisciplinary programme for students. It is designed for future social policy workers, community and social workers, sociologists, architects, regional planners, economists, teachers, and other related fields of study. BIP will offer participation in an intensive training programme that focuses on promoting knowledge and skills in the areas of social and community work using sociological and participatory approaches, spatial and regional planning knowledge, preparation of a participatory budget in addressing issues related to socio-spatial exclusion in the context of a case study of the Jílová locality in an urban district of Moravská Ostrava, Ostrava, Czech Republic.
This BIP programme consists of two virtual sessions and one-week physical stay in Ostrava:
18 September 2023 10:00-16:00 CET: 1st virtual session: organisational matters, agenda,
lecture, introduction to case study of the Jílová locality, introduction of the
programme, discussions
26 September 2023 10:00-16:00 CET: 2nd virtual session: socio-spatial exclusion in the
CZ context, social policy in the context of social exclusion
8–13 October 2023: Practical sections, physical stay in Ostrava