educational award: honorary mention
In summer 2022 we could present the very special nature of our interdisciplinary and international teaching and research project U!REKA Lab: Urban Commons commonly with the groups of the MA programmes “Sustainable Structures” (Angelika Plümmer & Petra Schwerdtner) and “Performative Arts in Social Fields” (Raul Gschrey & Jutta Stocksiefen) at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences to the jury of the “Hessian Award for Excellence in Teaching.”
And we were sucessful and received a honorary mention by the jury of the federal government prize! Thanks to the Hessian Ministry of Higher Education, Research, Science and the Arts and its jury, to our university leadership, to the deanships of the departments of Architecture – Civil Engineering – Geomatics and Social Work and Health, and the very active students, co-teachers and student assistants.