Exhibition opening of the collaborative, interdisciplinary teaching and research project by the departments of Architecture, Civil Engineering, Geomatics and Social Work and Health of the Frankfurt UAS.
January 21, 2023 – January 26, 2023.
Tassilo Sittmann Haus, Gerhard-Hauptmann-Ring 398b, Nordweststadt Frankfurt
Download the WASTELAND Booklet (German only) & the newspaper article in the FNP (German only)
Whether shelves, tables, lamps or mattresses: Every year, around 2.5 million tons of bulky waste are generated in Germany. “Garbage” that would not always necessarily have to be disposed of immediately, because the disposed items are often reusable or a valuable material resource. In order to take a closer look at this aspect and at the same time integrate the residents of the Nordweststadt housing estate into the process, students of social work and architecture organized a construction workshop in the Nordweststadt in 2022. Together they sawed, hammered and sewed and turned our consumer behavior upside down.
The resulting projects, new furniture, musical instruments, a tea pavilion and newer works by students from the U!REKA Lab: Urban Commons will be on display at the WASTELAND exhibition at Tassilo Sittmann Haus in the Nordweststadt Frankfurt. The exhibition us curated by students of Culture & Media of the BA Social Work together with the teachers and organisers Raul Gschrey, Natalie Heger, Ruth Schlögel & Jutta Stocksiefen.