U!R Commons Day 22.06.2023
We cordially invite you to part of the U!R Commons Day on 22.06.2023 14.00 -16.00 CET and strengthen the U!REKA Network.
This event takes place once a year and brings together teachers and students of the current Urban Commons courses of the involved partner universities. This year there will be presentations by participants of the BIP of the U!REKA Lab: Urban Commons in Ostrava and by the MA courses Social and Cultural Aspects of Building (Fb Architecture) and Performative Arts in Social Fields (Fb Social Work) at Frankfurt UAS.
The U!R Commons Day will take place online on Zoom:
22.Juni 2023 14:00 – 16.00 CET Amsterdam, Berlin, Rom, Stockholm, Wien
Meeting-ID: 684 9990 3510
Meeting-password: write a mail to: gschrey.raul@fb4.fra-uas.de