What Kind of Ressources Do We Share?

What Kind of Ressources Do We Share?

26. January 2024 0 By Raul Gschrey

Concluding Symposium – DFG-KOPRO Int., 29th and 31th of January 2024
How are communal practices defined and established?
How can projects scale-up to continue beyond the pilot stage and become public policies?
What do we learn for sustainable urban design as a communal practice?

As part of the final stage for the research project for the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft: DFG-KOPRO Int. – „Approaches of co-produced urban development and their influence on the development of urban spaces“, we are glad to announce and warmly invite you to our Concluding Symposium taking place in Frankfurt, at the Frankfurt UAS, the DAM – Deutsches Architekturmuseum, and the Stadtplanungsamt, on January 29th – 31th January of 2024. The event will welcome a variety of guests from Europe and Latin America as well as works submitted via an open Call for Participation.

Located at and supported by the Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, the Technische Universität Berlin and at finally the Frankfurt UAS, the international research project has been developed between researchers, urban planners, architects and academics in Germany and Chile. Based on the international project work over the last years and learning about Commons and Co-production we will focus on questions such as: What kind of resources do we share in urban development and design practices? How do we do this? And, how can projects scale-up to continue beyond the pilot stage and become public policies? Finally, what do we learn for sustainable urban design as a communal practice?

See the symposium program Symposium_Program as Pdf


29.01.2023, DAM Ostend
Henschelstraße 18

13:30 // Welcome DAM & Stadt Frankfurt

14:15 // Introduction Research Project

16:00 // Session I: Spatial Development and Sustainability

18:20 // Movie “Aquí nadie se rindió”

19:00 // Plenum

20:00 // Informal Gathering


30.01.2023, Frankfurt UAS
Nibelungenplatz 1, Building 1, 3rd Floor

09:30 // Welcome & Wrap Up Day 1

10:45 // Session II: Governance and Autogestión

13:30 // Welcome FRA-UAS

14:00 // Session III: Knowledge and international practices

16:15 // Movie “Lo común y lo corriente”

16:45 // Closing Discussion

17:45 // Evening Walk + Site Visit Frankfurt City


31.01.2023, Kulturcampus Bockenheim
Senckenberganlage 29

09:45 // Meetingpoint Juridicum

10:00 // Visit Kulturcampus

12:30 // Visit Agentur des städtischen Wandels