Coronaria & Commons
Open Studios| Exhibitions| Video Art | Performances | Live-Music (Entrance fee 3 Euro)
15.07.2022, 18.00 – 22.00
16.-17.07.2022, 14.00 – 19.00
AtelierFrankfurt, Schwedlerstr. 1-5, Frankfurt/Main
Coronarien und andere Singvögel / Coronaria and other singing birds
Exhintion in the gallery of „Performative Arts & Culture and Media“ of the Frankfurt UAS on the ground floor of AtelierFrankfurt with results from the U!REKA Lab: Urban Commons.
Students of the MA „Performative Arts in Social Fields“ and the study nucleus Culture & Mediia, BA Social Work of the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences show artistic works and workshop results from corona times and the onging term, among others froim the projects DOK.URBAN, U!REKA Lab: Urban Commons & CAUS. / /