Urban Commons School: Commoning the Post-Covid City

Urban Commons School: Commoning the Post-Covid City

26. August 2021 Off By Eva Neukirchner

What are commons? Why do we need community based cooperatives? How can we shape an urban-living-together in a social, democratic and inclusive way? And create a sustainable future for everyone? These are the questions we seek to discuss and experience with our U!REKA partners at the Urban Commons School.

When? 6 – 9 October 2021
Where? OHa: Offenes Haus der Kulturen, Frankfurt, Germany
hosted by Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences

See the programme…

The registration for LIVE participation in the whole programme is closed. For an online participation (in the streamed events) and a  limited number of places for the evening programme write us an email with your name and request to ureka(at)io.fra-uas.de

The “U!REKA Lab: Urban Commons” of the international U!REKA network of universities in Amsterdam, Edinburgh, Frankfurt, Ghent, Helsinki, Lisbon, Oslo, and Ostrava will host the 2021 Urban Commons School in Frankfurt. The event will bring together international and interdisciplinary students, teachers and researchers of from the participating universities and beyond for an intensive exchange on the concept and practices of urban commons and commoning. Ideas and practices will be shared in lectures, workshops, presentations, performances, and exhibitions to further explore the political and social idea and ideal of commoning in urban spaces as a way to co-create, co-own and co-govern the resources of our cities.

Get to know principles of urban commons through presentations

Experience urban commons in practice through showcases and excursions

See creative projects on urban commons in performances, screenings and exhibitions

Learn about commoning skills and future possibilities in workshops

Explore future possibilities of urban commons in research panels

The summer school will focus on the post-covid future of our cities and the role that practices of commoning and co-creation can play in the transformation and (re-)creation of urban spaces. A particular focus will lie on the host-city Frankfurt: on its existing urban commons initiatives as well as on new ideas, plans and project proposals for urban spaces that could be created and governed as urban commons. These ideas and impulses will be explored by international teams of young students, researchers and practitioners in Research Panels.